SHOWHIT ORIGINAL presents 'ALONE NIGHT,' an Interesting Web Series that mesmerize the spirit of passion and Love. The main character of this fascinating story is a Single mother who Wait longs for Companion in the face of her lonely life. She sets off on a loving adventure with her good-looking neighbor in an try to burst into flames a spark of Love.
Viewers are invited to explore this attractive woman's world and learn how to navigate the details of love and desire through "ALONE NIGHT." The show offers a moving consideration on the human condition by cleverly fusing together scenes of courage, helplessness, and the excitement of making new friends.
'ALONE NIGHT' is primarily a story about firmness and the search for happiness, told through the eyes of a character whose path may relate to. Her choice to follow Romance after experience loss is not only a brave act, but also evidence of the flexible nature that exists within each of us.Discover the charm of 'ALONE NIGHT' only on the SHOWHIT APP,
where each episode is sure to enthrall and motivate. Watch as the endearing neighbor and the grieving mother negotiate the erratic course of love, and lose yourself in their captivating chemistry.