"Hungry Padosan" Indian web series produced by Showhit Original. The story revolve around a mother whose husband's terrible death, left her alone with her child. She encounters being alone and the burden of her new obligations as she navigates the difficulties of being a single mother
When she happens to run across an attractive man in a park, her life takes an amazing turn and hope is reignited along with the potential of love. The show lightly traces her quest to find love and friendship yet again, emphasizes the meaningful barrier she encounters along the way. She has to resolve her everyday jobs as a mother ensuring her child's joy while chasing her own pleasure as she starts to open her heart once more.
"Hungry Padosan" is not only a love story; it's a figure of human gentleness, strength, and the skill to love again in the face of suffering. Watching the character modify and the growth of her friendship with the good-looking stranger is expected to send audience on an emotional rollercoaster right through the entire series.
Discover the entire story of love, grief, and rediscovery in "Hungry Padosan," which is only accessible on Showhit Original. This series is a tribute to the resilient nature of single mothers and their constant chase of happiness and satisfaction in the face of great difficulty.